Aquatic Therapy
in Morgantown, WV
Lakeside Physical Therapy
Serving the Morgantown, WV, Kingwood, WV, and Uniontown, PA, Areas
Lakeside Physical Therapy offers aquatic therapy in Morgantown, WV. We offer the area’s only endless pool, which is a reliable tool for gaining great overall health and wellness. The pool is perfect for those rehabbing, or looking for a heart-pumping workout. Patients can even just relax in the jets and 94-degree water! The endless pool is just what our patients and visitors are looking for.
Add Aquatic Therapy to Your Rehabilitation Plan
Aquatic therapy is a treatment and exercise that patients perform in water for relaxation, fitness, and physical rehabilitation. This treatment has many benefits. Aquatic therapy allows people who are injured, disabled, or otherwise incapable of performing exercises on land do so in water. Lakeside Physical Therapy’s priority for our patients is to keep them safe. Patients who need physical therapy exercises but have a hard time performing on the floor or a table often use aquatic therapy. To make your first appointment for aquatic therapy contact Lakeside Physical Therapy at (304) 594-2500.
How Water Creates an Ideal Therapeutic Environment
- Warm water provides a relaxing and soothing environment for aching joints and muscles.
- Water’s natural viscosity or resistance can be used for muscle strengthening and increasing rehabilitation progressions.
- Buoyancy allows for flotation and reduces the effects of gravity on injured or aching joints and muscles. This allows for easier weight bearing after surgery.
- Hydrostatic pressure supports and stabilizes the client. This allows people with balance deficits to perform exercises without a fear of falling. It also decreases pain and improves cardiovascular return.
- Turbulence and wave propagation let the therapist gently manipulate the client through the desired exercises.
- The respiratory muscles are forced to work harder in the water. This allows for a natural strengthening that benefits the client long after the therapy session has ended.

Aquatic Therapy Can Help These Conditions
- Arthritis
- Balance Disorders
- Bursitis
- Chronic Pain
- Idiopathic Joint Pain
- Reconstruction/Replacement Surgery
- Joint Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Stress Relief
- Sprains & Strains
- Arthroscopic Surgery Recovery
- Back Rehab
- Cerebral Palsy
- Orthopedic Injuries
– Multiple sclerosis
– Scoliosis
– Stiffness - Stroke
- Tendonitis